After nearly a decade of investigational works – it’s time to collaborate with US Authorities concerning TripAdvisor & Google’s abuses of the US Communications Act 230… 



Since 2017 when I communicated with TripAdvisor about known and documented nefarious scammers (defraud) and trolls (fraud) on their website that are generating false reviews (via TripAdvisor’s community threads, etc.) to personally attack both me (the USA Founder) and my humanitarian organization via very public libel/defamation via using my full name (which is a violation of TripAdvisor policies and guidelines) – TripAdvisor has unethically chosen to censor us by disabling our account’s ability to respond appropriately (providing ethical rebuttal info and evidence that is well within their community guidelines). For years I have tried to take the high-road of ethics and ignore this situation, however, this was a wrong decision. Today, this very public smear campaign against me which TripAdvisor is allowing continues to recklessly damage both my personal and professional social economic security both at home within the United States as well as abroad (being an internet website)… The loss of business and professional credibility that both I and my organization have suffered via TripAdvisor abusing the Communications Act 230 is incalculable.

Though TripAdvisor may claim immunity and state that those are anonymous user party posts, etc., in reality as the user accounts could be fake and/or falsely generated – who’s to say that it’s not TripAdvisor staff posting the reviews themselves and committing corporate fraud?! And/or, without reviewing all the facts and evidences from both sides, decided to take unilateral action (unethically) to engage in abusive double-standard activities (ignoring their own Guidelines and Policies) to allow those nefarious posts to remain unchallenged – unchallenged even by us as TripAdvisor has censored us by disabling our account’s ability to respond ethically. Hence, TripAdvisor is violating their own Guidelines/Policies via lack of fact-finding, lack of due-process and censoring us so that we are unable to represent ourselves publicly on very public TripAdvisor community threads. I have tried to communicate with TripAdvisor’s Community Supervisor, however, the end result was that the Supervisor stated that she does not nor have to read any information (evidence) that I provided within my emails, website, etc… and from that point forward she requested me to acknowledge to follow TripAdvisor Guidelines (which I did) but regardless she blocked our ability to represent ourselves online (censoring).

The level of public abuse that I have suffered over the years is just incredible – as I travel the world for my works – background checks via Google Search Engines are commonly done by businesses, local authorities, etc., and those fraudulent/libelous posts that falsely accuse me of violating laws (which I haven’t as I have no criminal records anywhere on planet earth, etc.) are indeed damaging my social economic security. Literally, it’s like a nefarious scammer/thief walking into the Better Business Bureau and creating a huge public scene (distraction) to steal an item from a office desk – to which the security officer notice and requested the scammer/thief to stop, have a seat and remain till the police arrive… upon being confronted by the police the scammer/thief apologizes and returns the stolen property and leaves – the security guard wishes no ill-will and doesn’t press any charges against the scammer/thief. To which later, the scammer/thief goes online and publicly accuses the Better Business Bureau and its employees of physical assault, etc., on a Company website (like TripAdvisor) to which that company keeps the recycling of misinformation/hate (for years) on their company website to publicly harass and create social economic deprivation against the security officer who was just doing his job and was very merciful towards the scammer/thief. This is my situation as TripAdvisor is intentionally allowing the recycling of unwarranted hate/misinformation/libel to spread internationally, against me, via depriving me the right for due-process, fact-finding, representation, etc… hence, a very public, Global Smear Campaign.

As for the other matters, on the known threads (I know of 2 threads), scammers are misrepresenting the real context as they are trying to change the “real narrative” – notably the scammers all use the same TripAdvisor threads to excessively use my full name as well as our organization’s name; a known SEO manipulation tactic that uses TripAdvisor’s Super Authoritative SEO to defame reputable businesses/people by generating Negative SEO content on top result pages (1, 2, and 3) of their Google Search Engine Results. The best way to explain is imagine that you are in a cafe and order a glass of water and you get water – to which later you go online and nefariously post libel that you were only served water and vey publicly attack the cafe and its workers for bringing you water…

Our organization offers 2 types of trips: 1) “Live Like a Local (humanitarian trips)” that are very basic and reality based – not a vacation/holiday tour. 2) Fully packaged mid-to-high end tours (itinerary, guide, drivers, hotels, etc.)… None of these TripAdvisor scammers purchased a “tour” as it was too expensive for them…. however they all purchased the very inexpensive “Live Like a Local – humanitarian trips” (often 4 to 7 day trips will cost about $300 to $400 USD with 3 meals a day, accommodations, local guides, horses, etc., all provided – it’s an incredible deal!) and they complained on TripAdvisor as if they purchased “tours” which isn’t correct nor ethical as those “Live Like A Local – humanitarian trips” are designed and promoted to assist local people to ethically earn alternative incomes from tourism (part of our well-known poverty alleviation and UN SDG activities) and it’s 100% communicated online, in our office, in our terms and conditions, in our contracts, etc., that they are NOT booking a tour and it’s 100% reality based with locals. Hence – we also provided all travelers with a 2 hour training (before the Live Like A Local – humanitarian trips) to help travelers understand further what they should expect, not expect, etc….

Regardless, a handful of scammers intentionally tried to defraud the locals (to obtain a free trips) and when we caught them in their scams and sent them away – they went to TripAdvisor to attack me and our humanitarian organization to intentionally misrepresent the situation as well as to misreport their experiences as if they booked a tour – which they didn’t. On TripAdvisor they intentionally misreported the situation/product that the purchased – they intentionally mislead TripAdvisor and others to believe that they booked a tour and discussed their experiences like a ‘day-by-day’ tour itinerary. This is 100% incorrect and fraudulent, that’s like going online to yell at camera store for the quality of a “disposable camera” that they 100% knowingly purchased and trying to make it look as if they purchased an expensive Canon SLR by discussing the lack of the disposable camera’s functions (no exchangeable lens, no incredible functions, no etc., etc., etc.)…. This is both 100% intentionally misleading and 100% false reporting as they didn’t purchase a Canon SLR – they purchased a very inexpensive disposable camera – simply it’s fraud.


Regardless of the flawed Communications Act 230, and TripAdvisor trying to hide behind its current immunity, TripAdvisor has the responsibility to adhere to best business practices and its own Guidelines: 

1) As no criminal acts nor violation of ethics have ever been committed by me nor by my organization, as we maintain evidence-chain, they must adhere to best business practices (within their own Guidelines and Policies) and remove any/all community threads that make use of my full name libelously. Reasoning, as of today, Google Search Engine results are pushing those false reviews/false posts to the 1st and 2nd page under my name which are damaging my social economic security. 

2) TripAdvisor needs to increase its antifraud policy when making user accounts and posting online (as anyone with a fake Gmail account can make a TripAdvisor Account to post nefarious libel – even employees at TripAdvisor can engage in acts of corporate fraud and attack people and businesses unethically if they desired). 

3) Within TripAdvisor’s antifraud policy should include the following: a) users must acknowledge antifraud policy via a checkbox with a very clear explanation of the antifraud policy (false reviews can be punishable by law, etc.) b) users must submit a government ID (driver’s license, etc.) when making an account c) any online posts that contain accusations and/or libel must be supported by legally recognized “burden of proof” or they will be automatically removed – proof could be contracts violations with legally recognized supportive documentations, etc. 

4) etc…

I’d be delighted to advise further on this matter upon request as TripAdvisor has much to fix in associated with their company website and its employees as they do have a huge set of issues – as notable fraud experts and lawyers all agree.